New hires are flooded with information on day one, but what happens when they want to review their benefits on day 10, or access a specific form on week 4? Too often, information overload means details get lost, resources lack visibility, and questions get asked and re-asked, wasting everyone’s time.
The key is finding easy ways to help people reference information they’ve encountered. Catherine, the Head of Employee Communications and Experience at Asana, leverages her own company’s knowledge-management solution alongside GoLinks. Together, these tools help employees find and organize resources like never before.
How GoLinks helps Catherine connect people to the information they need
At a global company like Asana, information needs to be memorable and accessible. Catherine appreciates how go links make that a possibility. She says, “You can set up really, really easy shortcuts that people can actually remember, like go/people-ops or go/av-request.”
Another big benefit that Catherine discovered is the data-driven insights GoLinks provides around user engagement.

“When you put out all that information, you want to know that people are using it. Because of the usage statistics with GoLinks, we’re able to do just that in a way that we weren’t able to before.”
-Catherine Avendaño, Head of Employee Communications and Experience at Asana
Getting started with GoLinks
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