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Starting Strong: 10 Tips to Avoid Making Mistakes at Your New Job

If you’re starting a new job, it’s only natural to be worried about making mistakes at work. 

You want to start off on the right foot and prove you were the right person to fill that open position. Too many careless mess-ups could lower your credibility among your new colleagues. 

If you’re anxious about making a big mistake at your new job, get ahead with these ten tips.

Tip #1: Manage your time and cut out distractions

Poor time management and distractions are big causes of workplace error. In fact, distractions can lead to committing twice as many errors as usual. And it’s easy to feel frustrated after distractions since it takes 23 minutes and 15 seconds to fully recover focus. 

Distractions can lead to twice as many errors as usual

Time management tips: 

  • Make your weekly to-do list the Friday before, so you can jump into Monday ready to go.
  • Block off focus time on your calendar to do tasks that need your full attention. 
  • Update your Slack status to “focus mode,” so people know not to interrupt.
  • Use a Pomodoro tool to keep you focused for 20-30 minutes at a time.
  • Take breaks — especially in the afternoon. One study by PLOS ONE found that afternoons tended to be when the most typing errors were made. 

Need more time management help? Check out these 10 time management resources.

10 must-have time management resources to improve your workday

Tip #2: Ask detailed questions to get the direction you need 

Don’t be afraid to ask your manager detailed questions. They are there to help you and want to set you up for success. Come prepared to meetings with your boss with any specific questions you have about certain projects or assignments. 

Pro tip: If your manager screen-shares to show you how to complete a project, ask if you can record the meeting. That way, you can go back and reference their instructions at any time. 

Tip #3: Use internal resources to make informed decisions 

Companies accumulate internal knowledge in the form of documents. These resources are a valuable way to help you improve efficiency and make decisions — as long as they’re readily available to reference when needed.

Find out if your company has a document management platform (like Confluence) where you can get familiar with the resources available to you. Then, use GoLinks to save and access these internal resources and expertise.

Use GoLinks to improve decision making

Set up a free GoLinks account to create short links, like go/blog-process, and easily navigate to important info. Other team members can also sign up, using go links visually and verbally to share important resources.

Tip #4: Use a “first 90 days” journal or book

Onboarding with a new company can be overwhelming. How do you ensure you retain the most vital information to counteract the fear of making mistakes?

A personal journal is a great way to help you keep track of what you’re learning and avoid repeating mistakes in the future. Try this affordable Your First 90 Days in a New Job journal, or look into books like Every Product Manager’s First 90 Days Workbook.

Tip #5: Double-check your work

Wait! Before you submit that project, have you double-checked your work? Come up with a thorough review process to implement before submitting any projects or reports. 

Use tools like Grammarly to make sure your writing is soundproof, or set up a Slack channel with coworkers to review each other’s work before it goes out into the world. This is a great way to avoid mistakes in the workplace or getting in trouble at work.

Tip #6: Embrace Gen AI tools

Generative AI can help you find solutions to problems so you can avoid making too many mistakes at work. For example, try:

Use GoLinksGPT to keep from making mistakes at new job.

For more AI resources, check out our blog post with ten AI tools to boost productivity.

Tip #7: Improve your sleep quality 

“Why am I suddenly making mistakes at work?” 

The answer may be as simple as this: you’re overtired. One study found that 43% of respondents said they are more error-prone when they are tired. 

Am I suggesting you take a nap during a busy workday? No — that’s maybe not the best solution. But it may be time to invest in things that improve sleep, like black-out curtains or a noise machine. Or maybe it’s time to turn in earlier.

Tip #8: Practice effective communication

When things go wrong at work, communication is key. A work environment with poor communication is a major culprit of making mistakes at a new job. If you keep messing up at work, improving communication may help.

Work on both your verbal and written communication skills. If you’re not in a physical office, here are five ways to improve remote team communication.

Improve remote team communication with these 5 ideas

Tip #9: Build strong relationships with colleagues

Building relationships with your colleagues can help you reduce mistakes and can help you to stop obsessing over mistakes at work. Why? 

  • Coworkers can get you the answers you need to prevent mistakes 
  • Coworkers can help you create an action plan for bigger mistakes 
  • Coworkers can help you resolve the issue faster 

Participate in team-building activities, and work on memorizing who does what so you’ll know who to approach with certain questions. Plus, spending time with your coworkers reminds you that they’re just people, too. We all make mistakes from time to time. 

Tip #10: Join Slack groups for people in your same role

Our final tip to help prevent mistakes at a new job: Join Slack channels created for people in your industry or role. For instance, Superpath is a Slack group designed for content marketers where people can share expertise and advice. RevGenius is another great Slack group for sales, marketing, and RevOps professionals. 

Join a Slack group to help keep you from making mistakes at a new job

Use communities like this to gain the knowledge and resources you need to succeed. 

Preventing mistakes at your new job with GoLinks

Learn from your mistakes and invest in tools that can help prevent future ones. GoLinks is a great way to keep essential information on hand, helping you reduce workplace errors and make smarter decisions. Try it for free today.

Try for free

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